Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Familes can be together forever.

We've set a goal to go through the temple at the end of summer. I'm really excited and it will be even better because my husband was the one to bring it up. It's always been a long term goal (I know, I know it should have been like TOP priority but...)I'm proud of Brian and am so happy I get to be with him and my boys forever.

Woo Hoo!

Finally!!! Tyler is almost there on potty training! He tells me when he has to go. more often than not he's already gone, but it's coming! Now Weston on the other hand well we're still working on it :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wait... here's weston too! I ran out of room!

Family Pics

We finally managed to get our family pictures done! YAY. They turned out pretty good. Besides it was an awesome price at Target. I'm sure I won't make it back until after Christmas... SO.... Merry Christmas!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wow ~ Thats a big picture. oh well i'm finally getting tired so i'm not changing it. Can i tell you that the training "ways" at IRS suck? Ugh I'm so ready for training to be over! Two and a half more weeks! I don't know if i'm gonna make it! Money, think of the money... Stupid money. How am I going to potty train weston? I'm so frustrated with it I'm giving up. He doesn't have the slightest interest in it at all. I set up little prize bags for him and he just says "I get a prize if I go potty" Oh Kay...... So go already!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Road Trip

We just got back from Yellowstone. What a fun trip we had. The car ride was a little ok a lot, long for the kids but they seemed to enjoy it once we were there. We stayed in West Yellowstone right outside the park. Weston thought it was neat to see the water bubbling out of the ground and it was funny to hear him say how nassy it smelled. LOL. Tyler loves to watch the wildlife. He was most fascinated with the buppalow. We watched an IMAX movie in W. Yellowstone about bears and Tyler and Weston roared through the whole thing. So fun! We stopped in Jackson Hole on the way back and that was the only family picture we got LOL.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Summertime Fun

I have to show you these pictures of Wes and Ty. They're so cute! Both of them absolutely love watermelon. They think we need to buy it everytime we go grocery shopping. So we got some and cut it up. I gave them the ends of it and sent them outside with a spoon. They couldn't get enough so i sliced off two huge chunks and they dug right in! Classic summer pics!! Can't wait to scrap the pics!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Hunny!

So here's probably the only picture you'll see Brian pose for. He's such a moron and won't smile for me when I aim the camera at him. He only smiles when we pay for the pictures at the studio. hehe. punk butt. Yeah well after all the names I call him and all the nagging I do to him he still hangs around with me and I'm so thankful for him, his patience and all he does for me and our boys. They're lucky to have him for a dad. He loves them so much.

I got Wes and Ty some bug catching nets for a buck at Dan's. They had so much freaking fun with them it's not even funny!!! We spent all moring catching all kinds of "bugs" I think all they caught was a weed flying around!! So cute. It's fun to play with out a care in the world every once in a while :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hi. Still trying to figure out this blog thing. Think I'm getting it. oh except my boys picutre got cut off! haha. ok well on with my ugh for the day. Where is the potting traing switch? I know I've heard about it. AAHHH It's so flustering! He knows he gets a book bag and gets to go to school when he potty's like a bigboy..... SOOO..... Why won't he even TRY? Be patient. fine. i will. I'll let you know how that's working.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Heritage Days

So saturday at Heritage Days was one of the longest, hottest days of my life. I thought I was melting. It was worth it thouhg. Hopefully some people check out our website. (you should right now!! hahaha) I've ordered some Halloween and Christmas ribbon. I'll be working on holiday bows next. Still pondering Peach Days and if it's even worth it up there. Who knows maybe we'll strike gold up there!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Yep. Still trying to figure this all out. It's been a long Monday and wouldn't you know it I get home from work and can't sleep. I know my monsters will be up at that butt crack of dawn because we have no where to go. If we had plans they'd sleep till ten thirty I'm sure!! Oh well. I guess I'll turn in for the night and see what tomorrow brings. Oh I have about six tutu's made for Heritage Days this weekend. I have about ten more to go. Hopefully I'll get them done. Sold three to Kat at work. At least I know one person likes them!! hehe